Sunday, March 18, 2012


Hey guys,

As we discussed at yesterday's practice, on Monday we're going to simulate a match by having the B-Team play the A-Team.

You all, the players, will still be responsible for arriving early to help set up the net, as we'll be expected to do on home match days. After that, there will be a coin toss and a meeting between the Captains/Coaches and the Referee.

I'm trying to find a friend of mine to come-in and "Ref" for us, but I'm not sure how successful I will be at this.

Aside from that, here is the general format of pre-game warm-ups:

~ 15 minutes to jog and stretch as a team.

~ 5 minutes shared court time for pepper/throws/arm warm-ups.
      - During this time, the players must make every effort to keep the ball only on their side of the court.

[ Captains meeting with Referee ]

1. 4 minutes solo court time for the visiting team.

2. 4 minutes solo court time for the home team.

3. 4 minutes solo court time for the visiting team.

4. 4 minutes solo court time for the home team.


When the opposing team is on the court, players for our team must remain off the court.

Here's how we will handle our warm-ups time.

1. During our first solo court time, we'll do hitting lines. That means the setters and the hitters will be on one side of the net, and the Liberos, and defensive specialists will go to the other side of the net.

The hitters will practice hitting towards the side of the net where the liberos/ds will be, and the libero/ds will practice digging & moving their feet to the ball.

I will toss the ball to a setter -- Danny will probably be first to set-- and the setter will set either the outside, the middle, or the right side hitter; the hitter will spike the ball, shag it, and return it to the bucket next to me. Etc.

2. During our first off time, we'll get in one line, off the court, and I will toss the ball to the first player in line who then has to pass it to the setter, standing next to me.

3. During out second solo court time, we'll do two drills.

a. The first drill will be serve receive. We'll have 3 players on the court in "serve receive", and one line off the court of everyone else. A setter will be in zone 7 on the receiving side of the net. Once a player passes the ball, he goes to the end of the line off the court, and the next player in line takes his place.

The setter will roll the ball back to me, and I will be simulating a serve on the other side of the net.


b. We will serve for about a minute on both sides of the net.

4. During our second off time, we'll form a single line, again, only this time I will be simulating a spike to the player in the front of the line, etc.

At the end of this time, we'll huddle up, talk line-up and some other things. Then the match will begin.

E-mail if you have any questions, or catch me before practice. I will see you all tomorrow.

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